Sunday, November 4, 2007

i welcome me back...

Finally, the wait has ended- the wait for internet connectivity.

Its exam month, and much has happened. Not such of a significant event of that of a date but definitely change. A shift of wind, in degrees unknown.
Treading water is an art. One can perform it or not. It is skill, it is knowing abilities and limits.
Losing control or so it seems has never been comfortable, and it is harder and harder to know what is ahead, to prepare, to know beforehand.
Is the control being taken away due to the inability to take back control or is it a Creator saying "I demand of you allegiance and obedience rather than mere acceptance and belief."

The deal has been struck and it is time to honour it. Being still has never been any part of human nature except of when they are at prowl for a victim, for malice, work or play.
But stillness is necessary to see the things around you and take it in perspective. To be able to hear the stil small voice of God speaking in your spirit.
There are many things to thank God for- testimonies of His saints, His providence, His presence where He was and will be. Him in before and the after.

what will happen next, only God knows.. But He foresees the choice in liberty we make, which leads us in paths of the narrow or wide.

I don't worry over the future,
For I know what Jesus said;
And today I'll walk beside Him,
For He knows what is ahead.

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